
Chanity Naylor

master stylist 

Hi, howdy, sup, hey girl...all the things. I’m Chanity!
I grew up with a military mom; moved to Chesapeake when I was in 5th grade and it’s been home since. My family of five planted our roots right here in VB. I started working in a salon in high school because I loved everything beauty early on. I started my apprenticeship at 18 and got my license after I finished the program. I’ve been doing hair for about 20 years and even I can’t believe it. Today in my career I love to spend time creating shades of blonde for each client's personal preference. I specialize in lived in color, foliage, and brunettes. I’m grateful to be surrounded by artists that inspire me to learn and grow daily. My love for this industry continues to grow and I hope people leave my chair feeling confident, safe, heard and inspired.


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